Saturday, July 2, 2011


This is my 77th and last post. It's my last full day in Belgium, and I am happy to come back.

I've been here long enough, it's time to return.

Also, I would be doing a misdeed if I didn't say that earlier this week I went on a last trip to Germany to visit Dana, Scott, Collin, and Lydia in Herrieden. It was ever so nice. We visited Munich, the Bavarian Alps in Garmisch, and the Tirol area of Austria. It was lovely, and a nice finishing trip.

See you soon back home. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

the Czech Republic

Last week I spent with seventy other exchagners in the Czech Republic. Most of our stay took place in Prague, then finished with two days in southern Bohemia, in Cesky Krumlov and Ceske Budejovice.
It was an amazing trip, with lovely sightseeing and memorable last times with friends.


Flower gardens

Astronomical Tower on the Grand Place

Grand Place

Grand Place

Grand Place

Astronomical Clock

15th century wrought iron well

Church adjacent Pont St Michel

Prague along the Vltava

modern buildings

Vltava River

Villa Castle outside Prague


 Monastery Library

Monastery 2

Sancta Casa and monastery from interior courtyard

Prague Castle Cathedral

view of the city

one of the oldest synagogues in Europe, having survived the Second World War

Jewish Quarter

Pont St Michel

Place by Pont St Michel

Vltava from Pont St Michel

John Lennon Wall

Pont St Michel

Budweiser brewery with exchange kids 

Czech Budweiser factory 

Cesky Budejovice

Cesky Budejovice Place

Grabd Place

Cesky Budejovice

Castle in Hluboka nad Vltavou

Ceske Krumlov

Ceske Krumlov

Ceske Krumlov

Ceske Krumlov

Castle in Ceske Krumlov

Only ten days till I go back home!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Today I leave for Prague for six days. We'll be seeing the city and surrounding Czech sites. The trip will be my last time with many exchange friends and is going to be very nice.
I will take lots of pictures for you!
Also, exams are over, and the last two weeks of my stay begin. Today makes 16 days.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Rain Sets Back In

After such a long spell of good weather, the typical Belgian chill and drizzle has come back. The Spring was really nice, I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but our Spring has been very abnormally sunny and free of precipitation.
Here are some photos of things I've been up to lately:

exchange friends playing in a park in Kortrijk

a mall in Korkrijk

old Kortrijk

reconstruction on the grand place of leuven

het Haar Kasteel near Utrecht

the castle gardens with Oom Ben and Tante Leonie

the castle 
This weekend I visited Tante Leonie in Oom Ben in Maartensdijk one last time before going home. We went to the very nice castle whose photos are displayed above, and ate at the Paddestoel Restaurant photoed below:

I had the Varkenshaas with uiensoep and frietjes, which was very tasty. I saw Erwin and Irene along with Daan, Sofie, and Joraan earlier today when they came over for coffee and cake. Shortly afterwards I had to come back.  Only three more exams and then Prague!