Thursday, March 31, 2011

Goodbye Sirault

This weekend I move out of my second family's house to my third and last host family. It's my last week with the Delors/Duhauts, and it's flying by.
Saturday I'll pack my things and go to Montignies-sur-Roc.
School is keeping me busy with the Italian classes I've started, and derivatives in math are not easy. Other than that I've had a rather regular week.

In thinking back on it, one of the things I'll miss about this house is the grouchy old cat, Malou.

Also I send a shout-out to Susannah, whose birthday is today.

À plus tard!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


This weekend I went to Dordrecht. It was the Central European Association's Peal Weekend, and as the name indicates, peals were rung. There were three attempts, two of which succeeded:
It was tiring, but we had good fun. Ringing company was nice, and I enjoyed stroopwaffels, good and nasty cheese, and hot wings.
In Holland, flowers are out all along the roads, proof of good times awaiting. If only Belgium would follow the example.... 

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Spring is here. Today I wore shorts for the first time. It's wonderful.
Highs in the 60s, it's getting pretty again. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bavaria and Cologne

For the second half of my Carnaval vacation I went to the region of Franconia in northern Bavaria. It was absolutely beautiful.



town wall


Franconian wine

Großer Platz



Nürnberg from above



As you can see, it was a lovely trip. 

Last Friday I went to Cologne (Köln am Rhein) again. This time there were neither a layer of three inch snow nor Christmas markets, so it was different. 

the Chocolate Museum

cocoa beans

aztecs also liked chocolate

city from the cathedral tower

das rathaus

the Rhine

the cathedral

This was also a very nice day trip.
Fun times in Germany.

Even here spring is starting to reveal itself. People are starting to wear shorts, and we're getting highs in the 60s! Time is wearing thin for my exchange to prod on. More on Antwerp later. Goodbye!