Wednesday, May 25, 2011

40 Days

The past week and a half has flown by. School is crazy, it's the last week before exams begin full-on, and we're doing revisions. It's so hard to believe the year's gone by so quickly! I'll be back in 39 days.
I've had a few nice days with exchange students in the area, and Wednesday I went to Brussels during the day. All the exchange kids go there on Wednesday to socialize.
This weekend I don't have much planned, just a day to Brussels on Saturday, and on Sunday a hip-hop dance performance by Zach, my ten year old host brother. The following week will be full of more revisions and exams.
So little time left!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Month 9

Yesterday marked my nine months here in Belgium. It's gone by quickly.
Only 50 days left!
I had a very busy school week with lots of make-up tests and the like for the time in which I had been in England. It went well though, and I appear to not have missed very much. The end of term is coming up soon. We have only two weeks before the third trimester's grades go in and exams begin after a few days' revision.
Yesterday I went to Brussels for a Gay Pride Parade. It was very interesting. Many of my exchange student friends went, and we had a nice time walking around and watching the parade pass by.
Today I am planning to bike into France to Bavay and visit some old Roman ruins. Apparently it used to be a prominent Gallo-Roman post in the first century AD, so I shall go have a look and see what there is to see. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011


the wedding

the wedding

Big Ben

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Horses Guard

Piccadilly Circus

kings' crests

Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament from the Thames

London Eye

business London

business Lonon

the Painted Room at Greenwich

London from the Greenwich Observatory

Tower of London

the Shard and business buildings

Tower Bridge

bagels in Europe!

replica ship in Southwark

Shakespeare's Globe

St. Pauls

the Tube map

Britain fridge

Verulamium ruins
Romano-Celtic theater c. 170 AD

Verulamium ruin floor
mosaic and hypocaust beneath

St. Albans cathedral

Cornish ice cream in St. Albans park

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

St. George's chapel

English and Welsh counties

the Tube

Egyptian escalators at Harrod's 

Covent Garden

Queen Lizzie

desiccated body at the British Museum

the Rosetta Stone

Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross

Monday, May 2, 2011


Thursday morning I took the Eurostar train from Brussels to London, where I met Sara Coward. I'm staying with her for the week in Bushey Heath, outside of London. Just in time for the Royal Wedding, I got to see all the BBC news and fuss over Prince William and Kate Middleton. I even rang for the wedding a bit in Aldenham, and am going tonight for a quarter to celebrate the wedding in Watford.
We've been going into and around London over the past few days. I've gotten to see all the important sites by bus tour, foot, and Thames River cruise. Today we went to St. Albans to see the old Roman ruins of Verulamium. Another day in London is planned, and tomorrow we're going to see Windsor Castle.
The weather's holding up very nicely, and I shall have photos up later to show where all I've been.