So last week was really busy for me. Tuesday was to last day with the Rossis, and they took me out to a superb restaurant (rated number one for the year in all of Belgium). We had sumptuous steak and cheese-potato mash. I also ate bone marrow, which is a delicacy here, go figure.
Wednesday I gathered my things and left for a new home, in Sirault. Here I´m with Sylvain, my host brother and schoolmate, and his mother, Martine. So far all is going famously, we get on just fine, and Martine cooks just as well as Spiri did.
Last weekend I went to Brandau, Germany for a ringing weekend with the CEA. I had some really good ringing and the company of English-speakers was nice. I thotoughly enjoyed myself. I got to ring a few quarters too, which you can track down on Campanophile if you so wish.
Today was the first day back at school, and Mondays are probably my most enjoyable day of school. I have all my good classes on Mondays (with the exception of history). That being said the fun ends and the whip starts cracking again. Tonight for homework I have to translate a Dutch news article and start an anti-cigarette project for religion.
More later,
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