Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Home Stretch

With less than four weeks to go, my stay in Belgium is coming to a close.
Exams are now under way and going alright. French was, as expected, disastrous, but everything as for everything else so far I'm fairly certain to have passed. Tomorrow is History and English.
Last weekend was the AGM weekend for the Central European bell ringers, so it was off to Dordrecht for a four-day weekend. I got to do some very new exciting things- including 8-Spliced peals. We also visited the world's largest bell collection at the Beiaardmuseum in Asten followed by pannekoeken and then a tour of the Bavaria brewery in Lieshout. It was a highly enjoyable weekend.
Yesterday after exams I went to Courtrai (Kortrijk) for the first time with other exchange kids. It was a nice little city, with interesting shopping and nice old buildings. Some of the architecture was reminiscent of Bruges.
This weekend I go back to Holland to say goodbye to Tante Leonie and Oom Ben in Maartensdijk.
All is well, and I'll soon be back.

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