Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day

This Christmas has been interesting. My last exam this week was scheduled for Monday but moved to Tuesday on account of a foot of snow that fell the preceding night. Thus, I took my history exam Tuesday and failed miserably.
Wednesday was my last day of school, during which all of the kids and some teachers in my grade left to watch a surprisingly good concert by a local band named Suarez. It was rather pleasant.
On Christmas Eve Spiri cooked an exquisite four course meal with appetizers, endive and salmon soup, stuffed quail with potatoes and roasted chestnuts, and a Bûche de Noël for dessert. It was really tasty, and finishing around midnight with a full tummy, I slept well for Christmas morning.
Christmas Day was all white with snow lasting from the past weeks. I received three books from the Rossis, a very nice gift and helpful French learning tool. That afternoon we all headed down to a cow pasture and went sledding with other people from the village. There I discovered for myself that sledding really is fun... and wet. For christmas dinner we went to some friends of Bruno and Spiri's where we were entertained with a seven course meal over a little more than seven hours. It was very nice, and I again ate well.
Today, Boxing Day, I stayed mostly at the house. I made a wine cake at the unforeseen request of the Rossis, but I nonetheless made it with my American ingredients from my suitcase. We dropped off Andrea at Gembloux just not very long ago, and upon returning I called it a night.
The holidays have been pleasant and I wish everyone out there a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too.
    Hope you had fun in England...

  2. Hope you're having a great time in england noah! please take lots of pictures to show us and we all miss you very much. love you
