Friday, December 10, 2010

Exam Time

Today was my first day of exams, and I had Biology. It went well.
Exams is a good thing, because this means I have no more actual school lessons until the New Year, beginning on the 10th of January. Next week I have Math, French, German, Dutch, and English, and I finish next week with History. After that I don't have to come to school anymore, which means it turns out that I don't have to go to school on Christmas Eve. Hooray!
Christmas is coming up fast, December always turns into such a short month.
This weekend I have no plans, but rather I will stay home studying, sleeping, and relaxing. I just took a siesta and it was very refreshing. Sleep is the key to happiness.

I heard about Aaron William's passing yesterday, and I feel very sad. Keep him and his family in your prayers.

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