Thursday, June 23, 2011

the Czech Republic

Last week I spent with seventy other exchagners in the Czech Republic. Most of our stay took place in Prague, then finished with two days in southern Bohemia, in Cesky Krumlov and Ceske Budejovice.
It was an amazing trip, with lovely sightseeing and memorable last times with friends.


Flower gardens

Astronomical Tower on the Grand Place

Grand Place

Grand Place

Grand Place

Astronomical Clock

15th century wrought iron well

Church adjacent Pont St Michel

Prague along the Vltava

modern buildings

Vltava River

Villa Castle outside Prague


 Monastery Library

Monastery 2

Sancta Casa and monastery from interior courtyard

Prague Castle Cathedral

view of the city

one of the oldest synagogues in Europe, having survived the Second World War

Jewish Quarter

Pont St Michel

Place by Pont St Michel

Vltava from Pont St Michel

John Lennon Wall

Pont St Michel

Budweiser brewery with exchange kids 

Czech Budweiser factory 

Cesky Budejovice

Cesky Budejovice Place

Grabd Place

Cesky Budejovice

Castle in Hluboka nad Vltavou

Ceske Krumlov

Ceske Krumlov

Ceske Krumlov

Ceske Krumlov

Castle in Ceske Krumlov

Only ten days till I go back home!


  1. Vypadá to, že jste měli dobrý čas. Krásné fotky!

  2. Já prostě miluju české. Mají všechny ty legrační interpunkční znaménka.
