Sunday, August 15, 2010

First Day and a Half

The flights here to Belgium all went fine, with around twenty other American Rotary exchange students in company for the last leg from Washington DC to Brussels. Upon my arrival, Laura (host daughter going to Cleveland this year) and Bruno (host dad) gave me a warm welcome to Belgium. Here, it is nice and cool, around 75 for the temperature high. It also rains a lot in little spells here, which I do not mind. 
Here is the Rossi's house which I will be staying in until January, located in Saint Denis, a quaint village just 7 kilometers from Mons. I also met Spiri (host mother) and Andrea (host brother). After settling in to Laura's room and a quick nap, I went out with Andrea and Bruno to run errands, during which time I got to try my first gaufre au chocolat (Begian waffle smothered in Nutella) at the local centre commerciale, and a new phone. That afternoon Andrea kindly took me up the hill adjacent their home to take in a view of the valley wherein lies Saint Denis, and Mons in the distance. Afterwards, I took a bike ride with Andrea around Saint Denis to see the local sites, including the ruins of a 17th century abby. The Rossis had a little barbeque for my arrival and Laura's departure that evening, and Sylvain, who will be my host brother for the second half of my exchange, came to share in the festivities. Following dinner, we went to Spiri's sister's house closeby for evening drinks. Unfortunately, jet lag did not permit me to stay up too late, so I turned in early when we got back.
Today, the Rossi's were back to Brussels to send off Laura while I had a bit of a lie in. I had my first look at French television today, only some of which I can understand, but I'm working on it. Other than that, it has been raining much of the day, so I haven't done too much sightseeing and the like, but tomorrow Spiri is taking me into the city for school registration.
À plus tard!

1 comment:

  1. J'espère que vous appréciez le temps. Parlez-nous du barbecue.
