Thursday, August 19, 2010

Here are some photos of the house- my room, the kitchen, the dining room, and living room. You can also see the Rossis' wonderful garden and the vineyard that abuts the house. The Brabant chicken, which the Rossis jokingly call Laura (name of the daughter) can often be seen here and there in the garden scouring the soil for little treats. The house is very comfortable, and I enjoy the verandah and sunroom when it is sunny outside. 

In this picture I can be seen helping the Rossis in the upkeep of the garden. I finally found yard-work that I don't mind doing: pruning bushes.  

Bruno took this picture this morning of Spiri and me. The Rossi house used to be a farm house, and this door made for cow feeding adjacent the kitchen is a relic of its history, dating from its construction in the 15th century. 


  1. Oh, Noah, votre apparence est très courte dans la dernière photo.

  2. I love reading your posts, Noah! The pictures are great! Have a wonderful time and make lifelong memories! Dana

  3. Wow Noah-it is great to check your blog daily in anticipation of the great photos and writings. Thanks for sharing your experience-
    Can't wait for your next entry....Love you

  4. It's good to hear from you all! I am having a wonderful time, and it's good to know people are enjoying the posts!
