Friday, August 20, 2010

Long Days

These past few days have been very exciting, with much improved weather, not a drop of rain to speak of. Lately Andrea has been taking me on bike rides around the local towns. Wednesday we went to Thieusies, Casteau, and through the forest. Today we went to neighboring Obourg and to see the Seven Lakes outside Saint Denis. Though my legs aren't quite used to two hours of biking, these excursions have been quite enjoyable, though a bit fatiguing. I recently met the Rossis' neighbor, Martine, who has seven beautiful kitties and whose husband can be heard on the local French radio! Andrea and I went to see Salt Wednesday night at Mons' movie theater- Imagix. Though in French, I retain a vague idea of what was going on in the film, I always like a movie with Angelina Jolie. :) Thursday night I went out with the Mons-Bruyere Rotary Club that is sponsoring me to Osaka, a Japanese restaurant in Ghlin outside Mons. Five courses were served, and I was surprised by their rule that everyone must wear a silk kimono while dining, an interesting experience. Today I went into the city with Andrea, where I met many of his "copains" and made some friends myself. The city at night on weekends is quite a sight, with people everywhere all up and down the streets. As they say here, there is much ambience. I even saw Sarah, the other American Rotary exchange student here in Mons while downtown. Sarah is from upstate New York, and it was nice to talk to another student learning to speak French and being immersed in the Walloon culture.
I am very happy here, and the Rossis are ever so kind and welcoming.
I will have more photos to share in the days to come!
À plus tard!

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