Sunday, September 5, 2010

Last Day of Vacation

Today is my last day of summer vacation.
Since I last posted, I have been having a good end of break. Thursday I went all alone into the city by bus, where I visited gothic style Église Saint Waudru, went to the Grand' Place, ate lunch in the gardens behind the Hôtel de la Ville, among other things. That I night I had barbecue dinner with my Mons-Bruyères Rotary Club after a short meeting about Rotary's trip to Bratislava. There, I met the other inbound exchange student with our Rotary Club- Rebeca from Mexcio. Friday I went to a birthday party for Rebeca, who turned eighteen, and then I went out to Marché aux Herbes with other young people from the party, and spending the night later at Rebeca's hosts' house.
Saturday I went with Bruno and Spiri to Lille in France. There we found Europe's largest "broconte", or flea market with an interesting mix of antiques, collectables, and junk. I bargained for some tin boxes laden with cool designs, and spending only three euros. We ate dinner at a really nice restaurant in Lille, I had the escargots and fried chicken cordon bleu (really tasty). It was a long and fatiguing day, but enjoyable nontheless. We came home late, where I proceeded to engage in a three-way with Lexi and Arden. They gave me the details about some of what is going on at the new school in Charleston.
Today I slept in a bit and went with Bruno this morning to Obourg for a Belgian patriot veteran memorial service sort of thing, visiting the Obourg Cemetery and visiting the lost veterans memorial, followed (as I am told is tradition) by drinks at the pub at Place d'Obourg. Next Bruno and I went into the city to get fresh produce at the market, and then some lilies for Spiri at the flower market. This afternoon I went to go and play tennis with Rebeca at the Mons Tennis Club, before taking the bus home and having dinner.
It has been a good end of summer.
Tomorrow I will go to school in the afternoon for the first official day, where I will receive my schedule and (finally) find out what subject I will be taking, and what supplies I will need. Sylvain (host brother of my second family) will be there to help, so no worries!

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