Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Start of School

Monday I began school. Spiri drove me in early so we could finish up my registration (which I must admit is a complete nightmare here) before the real day began that afternoon. In the meantime between registration and the start of school, I ate lunch in Parc Sainte-Waudru. I met up with Sylvain and a new friend- Sarah at the train station, and we headed over to the school. There, we were sorted into the different class "options" (I chose science), and we had a quick class, most of which I spent sorting out my schedule in the office. Afterwards I took the bus back to Saint Denis. Monday night was marked by a visit from Yaya (Spiri's mother) who stayed for dinner.
Tuesday morning I started the regime that I will follow for school from now on- wake up at 6:30, get ready, eat breakfast, collect my things, and head to Rue Grand Coron for bus #18, which drops me off at the train station. Laura Dufrasne, a close-by Saint Denis dweller takes the bus with me, and helped me to my first class of the day- math again. Then I had Physics, Dutch, Chemistry, math, lunch, French, and double English. The classes are about and hour long each, and double or triple periods are two or three. After school I took the bus home at 4:30, did homework, etc.
Wednesdays are half days, and I had Geography, Dutch, religion, PE, Dutch, and religion again. Right now my religion class is screwed up, they somehow scheduled me for a mix of the atheist and Islamic classes, but I am working on having that changed. After school I took a siesta, I really like having the whole Wednesday afternoon off.
Tomorrow I have sciences, math, and language, and "après-midi sportif" where we play sports all afternoon. 
The people at school are nice (mostly the girls) and I have been making lots of friends. I understand a fair amount of what's going on, especially if I am spoken to clearly without them mumbling. I am satisfied with how things are going so far.

1 comment:

  1. you didn't write about how we talkedddd!!!! but i love you and im glad that you're having fun so far.
