On Sunday I went with Madame Devausse to Catholic Church again, it was alright. Afterwards there were some snacks and refreshments, but not quite like the Episcopalian refreshments in Charleston.
Sunday afternoon I went quickly with Bruno to a pub where he had a club get-together, shortly before we left for Namur. After an hour's drive we arrived in Gembloux, where Andrea now attends university. We unloaded the cars and moved him into his dorm near the town center. Following the move-in, we headed into Wallonia's capital- the city of Namur. We walked around the city, window-shopping and then we went down the Meuse River. Later on we ate supper at an excellent Chinese restaurant named Chez Chen, where I tried frogs' legs for the first time, and they were delicious. After dropping Andrea off at his dorm, we headed back to Saint Denis and turned in.
Monday began another school week. It is a blur of science, math, and language classes, but I am getting to know lots of my classmates better, and still making friends. Certain students in my classes help me a lot and let me copy notes if I didn't catch something, it's very nice.
This afternoon I went for a bike ride before it began to rain, and it was quite enjoyable. I had a double dose of fries today at lunch and dinner, but all the better, they are great, although I refuse to do as they do and eat them with mayonnaise, that is just asking for a heart attack.
Things are going very well.
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ReplyDeleteMais, oui, les pommes frites sont tellement bonnes avec de la mayonnaise, sont-ils pas? Et comme pour les cuisses de grenouilles, vous êtes sûr que vous avez fait cela? Je pense que je ne pourrais jamais vous convaincre d'essayer une telle délicatesse. Mais Je t'aime quand même.