Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Break

Today was the last day of school before my Fall Break. I have the whole All Saints' Day week off, so tomorrow to begin it's off to Paris. On the visit list are:

  • Versailles
  • le Louvre
  • Musée D'Orsay
  • Montmartre
  • Notre Dame 
  • the Eiffel Tower
  • river cruise on the Seine
It should be a fun weekend, despite the lack of Halloween activities. We will take the bus tomorrow morning, and the return is scheduled for Monday night. I hope that this will only be the first of many trips to Paris, I doubt that I'll ever have seen it all. 

1 comment:

  1. Paris est beau! Enjoy. Votre itenerary est not too shabby. Je suis tellement désolé de l'absence d'Halloween. Toutefois, vous obtenez un rabais de semaine. Nous allons manger des bonbons supplémentaire pour vous. Et beaucoup de plaisir en Hollande, ainsi.
