Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week Five of School

Things are going well. I am settled at school, still making friends, enjoying classes, and whatnot.
There's nothing really new to tell you all, so I will make a brief list of all the new food I have tried here in Belgium as of my arrival.

  • pumpkin soup
  • double-fried french fries with:
    • samuraï sauce - not Japanese, just spicy
    • Andalouse sauce - its orange and good
    • Americain sauce - not American at all
    • mayonnaise 
    • *note: they don't really eat fries and ketchup
  • pain au lait
  • Italian pastries
  • pain au chocolat
  • rabbit:
    • in a sauce with polenta
    • baked in the oven
  • fresh apricots
  • French yellow prunes
  • chicons (we don't have these)
  • rhubarb jam
  • cherry jam
  • gooseberry jam
  • pineapple yogurt
  • pâtes au sucre (pasta with sugar)
  • Bruno's classic Italian Bolognese (with olives)
  • olive and eggplant sandwich spread
  • countless Belgian cheeses
  • countless French and Dutch cheeses
  • lots of goat cheeses
  • almond pie
  • pain perdu (kind of like French toast, and no maple syrup)
  • Greek vegetables
  • Greek pastries and sweets
  • tiny shrimp from the North Sea
  • fish
  • fried frog legs
  • horse = (French) cheval :
    • cheval steaks
    • cheval as sandwich meat
    • cheval in pasta sauce
    • cheval sausage
  • boiled wheat - the actual kernels of wheat, not ground
  • potage de trouffe - truffle soup 
  • mango shrimp
  • rum ice cream
  • filet of York
  • boudain blanc - traditional white sausage with herbs
  • boudain rouge - blood sausage, one of the few things I try and don't like
  • ChaCha bars - chocolate and wafer candy bars
  • Galler chocolate pieces
  • mortadella (donkey)
  • wild forest mushrooms
  • cultured, white mushrooms
  • and many other things I will have to think about and list another time
And also, here is a link to a video about Belgium if you are interested about the catastraphe of a government, but,
VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED, contains rude humor, and a spot of foul language


  1. if i could like the video, i would.

  2. Effectivement, j'ai trouvé la vidéo d'être assez drôle. J'ai aussi beaucoup apprécié la liste des aliments. Comment étaient les cuisses de grenouilles? Faut-il les essayer ici à votre retour?

  3. Haha, I agree with the two above... the video was awesome! Nice to see you doing well in such a complex and dysfunctional country, Noah :P
