Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Today is Wednesday. All is well.
Today I my day began by walking in the near-freezing rain to the bus-stop for school. Classes started at 8:10, but I was late because of Mons traffic, there was no trouble at school though. I had English, study hall, Dutch, Math, French, and religion. I got out around 1:30 and hurried down to the Mons SNBC to catch my bus several minutes later. When I got back in, went to talk and pet the chicken, then upon Spiri's arrival, we set out together to do some grocery shopping. We bought lots of cheese, fruit, sandwich meat, etc. Then at home I helped her make stuffed cabagge- basically meatballs wrapped in cabbage leaves. Then I skyped with my parents for a while and went down for dinner. It was tasty, as always. Spiri knows how to cook.
Friday begins my Congé de Toussaints, where I get full week off of school. The first weekend (Halloween) I am going to Paris with other Rotary kids. Then I get back on Monday and will (hopefully be able to) sleep all of Tuesday. Wednesday I leave to go to the Netherlands to visit family for the rest of the week near Utrecht. Then I will switch Dutch hosts during the second weekend of vacation and finish my stay in Holland in Dordrecht. I am looking forward to a break from school, these have been long weeks.


  1. Oh, Dieu merci pour la newsu et aujourd'hui sur Skype. Savez-vous que je vérifier votre blog quatre fois par jour au moins une? Je suis content pour vos voyages à venir. Je voudrais aller avec vous, mais parce que je ne peux pas, j'espère que vous avez le plus de plaisir. Amour, amour, votre Dada

  2. Et j'espère que vous aurez vous-même, qui est une personne tout à fait utile et serviable, et de faire Mme Spiri et M. Bruno triste de vous voir partir. Vous avez suffisamment de temps pour ce faire, vous le savez.

  3. Donc, j'ai besoin de connaître le nom du poulet afin que je puisse prier pour le poulet. Love, Dada
