Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Even though I will not be celebrating Thanksgiving this year, I wish all my readers a most excellent holiday.
In Belgium the week surrounding the third Thursday of November is just a plain week. Noteworthy news for my week consist of the following

  • it snowed last night and should snow again this weekend
  • I went shopping yesterday with Spiri and reserved a spot for a trip to Cologne, Germany 
  • during the above time, it hailed!
  • I received two wonderful letters from Lexi McClure and Allison Millar
  • I am being forced to take a French test administered byt eh Communauté Française de Belgique, with an outcome that will only lower their standards
  • a had a great skype session with my parents and sister all together yesterday which was really nice to all see each other at the same time
My weekend plans include:
  • Saturday- Brussels with Rotary people going to see abstract and surrealistic artwork + the city
  • Sunday- back off to Dordrecht for another round of Dutch change ringing
Wishing you all well, eat lots of turkey, gravy, and sweet potato pie for me!

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