Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today is the last school-day of the week for me, as November 11th is a big deal here. So we are making "le pont" = the bridge so we have vacation tomorrow and Friday into the weekend. This makes me happy, because despite the fact that we just had a week of vacation, I am still tired from school.
Today to celebrate the long weekend I went into the city with friends after school to a café. There I spoke someone who obviously longed to practice English for about an hour, but I enjoyed it.
I also came home to a n expected and highly enjoyable mail parcel about "the size and weight of a brick." It consisted of lotion, American toiletries, and Halloween candy; all that I could wish for.
Tonight with Andrea I will be going to a school dance sort of thing. I'm really not sure exactly what it'll be, so I shall just have to find out.
For the weekend, I hope to be going to Luxembourg and Bruges, but I don't now if either will actually come to pass. We will see.
I wish you all a happy Wednesday, and hope that all your endeavors go well.

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