Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Snowing in Saint Denis!

This past weekend has brought some very cold weather to Belgium. We've had down to -4 Celsius (about 25F), and it's been predicted to get down to -9 (16F) later on this week. And today it began to snow.

See here a photo taken from my bedroom window down Rue Frébutte.

This weekend I did some pretty cool stuff. Saturday I went to Brussels with some Rotarians for the day, making my first trip to the Belgian capital to actually see the city. We first visited the Magritte Museum, with surrealistic paintings by Magritte on display. Then we walked to the Grand' Place with the Christmas tree and creche (with real sheep) on display, as well as the Manneken Pis and wife-statue Jeanneke Pis. Before leaving we had the oh so famous waffle with bananas and chocolate with hot cocoa. When I got back to Mons, I went with other Rotarians to a soccer match. It was very cold, and Mons only tied this time, but it was nonetheless enjoyed.
Sunday I was again up early to head to Dordrecht again. There I rang a peal, my first of Lincolnshire. My hands hurt a bit afterwards, but it's always well-worth it. After tea and stroopwaffels I came back to Mons to start another school week.
And it's snowing outside, in November. This is going to get really cold, I am sort of scared.


  1. fear not, for the cold cannot hurt you

  2. Noah:
    Congratulations on your peal of Lincolnshire! SRCY arrive her on Wednesday for 6 days - I'm scheduled for a peal of Anglia Surprise Royal after service on Sunday. Advent supper begin tomorrow - we will miss you! Keep warm, DLP

  3. You may not enjoy it, but you will do just fine with the snow and cold.
