Monday, February 28, 2011

Home Sick

Today I am at home in Sirault, sick. I have a sore throat and headache, and have chosen to take the day for myself. I have lots of reading, writing, and studying to do, so illness fell at a very opportune time.
This weekend was for the most part relaxed. Friday I went to a café called Les Trois Fous in downtown Mons after school, and then went home and to bed early after dinner. After sleeping in Saturday morning, I did little the afternoon and got ready for Museum Night Fever in Brussels. I won't say everything I could about it, but I'll just leave it with the positive aspects of having seen many new museums and discovering new and interesting parts of Brussels.
Yesterday I went to Bruges with Lily, my exploring Belgium friend. It was a nicer day without freezing temperatures and rain, unlike previous visits to Bruges. I got to see a whole new part of the city that I've never visited, photos of which are found below. Enjoy!