Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Normal Thursday

This week has again been a slow week, with lots of work and little play. Last week on Thursday I had my maiden speech about Charleston, which went well. The highlights of my weekend were doing a rugby day and watching Sylvain and the Mons Rugby Team play against some other Belgians. They won big time (70-0). The other highlights were eating dinner at Martine's parents' house in Tournai and watching the Black Swan in English Sunday. It was a very mellow weekend.
Monday we continued organic chemistry, did listening comprehension of Hey Jude by the Beatles in English and Stein um Stein by Rammstein in German. Tuesday I had more study hall than planned, during which time I got caught up on a lot of work. Also that night I attended a Rotary dinner in Binche, I'm not sure why though. Yesterday and today were shorter days, and I am relaxing with my long afternoons, and going to bed early. :)

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