Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Six Months and a Day

Yesterday was a very important day. It was Valentine's Day, for which I wish you an

ever so sumptuous and happy Valentine's Day. 

It was also my six-month anniversary of having arrived in Belgium. Long time, no see. But the most of it it over, and I have just a little more than four months to go before my bright shining self will return home to the United States. In celebration of the date, I too many delicious fries, and tasted that Côte d'Or Noir de Noir chocolate spread that's been luring me for the past week. And indeed it was good.

I spent a long weekend in the Netherlands with Oom Ben and Tante Leonie, which was really nice. We went to the Spoorwegmuseum in Utrecht and visited Erwin and Irene's growing family!
Photos should be up sometime in the near future!
Au revoir,

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